Sunday, January 13, 2019

Communicate Reflection

Communicate Reflection

Answer in a complete paragraph response:

How has the Communicate module prepared you to meet each standard listed above? Yes

Please reference each standard by providing specific examples or links from your work in Communicate.

  •  Standard C: The online teacher plans, designs, and incorporates strategies to encourage active learning, application, interaction, participation, and collaboration in the online environment.
Students will take part in a variety of exercises that lead him/her through the content. By communicating what the expectations are it helps the student know what the next steps should be. Getting started in a course is often one of the hardest times for a student. Finding their way around, knowing how to submit work and where it find help when needed are essential. It is important for the teacher to guide the student through this starting process to help them understand and gain confidence in the online environment.

Criteria C - Communicate 2 News: Describes how, as an online instructor, the participant plans to incorporate news items and announcements into the online classroom.

Using announcements in the LMS which go out to the students.

    As an online instructor, how do you plan to incorporate news items and announcements?
    Weekly Announcements
    List of links to important videos
    Monthly News letter

    I would use these resources to inform the students about available iClasses, AP News and any new resources available to them.  Students would receive this information in an email  and could subscribe so they would get this email as soon a the information was posted.

    What resources would you reference to format news items?
    Announcements or Communications page in LMS
    Weekly emails

  • Standard D: The online teacher promotes student success through clear expectations, prompt responses, and regular feedback.
    Teacher must be very clear in what they want. Because they cannot see you, it takes away one method we have of communicating in the outside world. We must be cognoscente that a student is not going to be able to understand what we mean without directly telling them, One example is that often a student will not see all the different parts of the course. There is content, grades, Announcements and Discussion areas. Making a video of all these different areas is often a good way of showing students around.

  • Standard E: The online teacher models, guides, and encourages legal, ethical, and safe behavior related to technology use.
    Videos are one of my favorite ways of showing the student how to do a task or what the expectations are. It is important in Computer Science (my area) to model how the code works and what errors can occur. This is best done with video.

  • Standard J: The online teacher interacts in a professional, effective manner with colleagues, parents, and other members of the community to support students’ success.
     Be sure to follow FERPA rules always! When communicating with students in the written form it is important to greet them by name, Discuss the concern and welcome questions. Never state an opinion or engage in any form of put-down, or sarcastic comment!

  • Standard K: The online teacher arranges media and content to help students and teachers transfer knowledge most effectively in the online environment.
    Creating your space for students is important so that they can find all the required and helpful resources. The use of color is one way to do this. Creating a table (HTML) and coloring the cells is one way of delineating each area of importance.

    Which strategies will you take away from the Communicate module and apply to your own teaching practices?
    Rubrics with feedback are very effective.

  • Criteria C - Communicate 2 News: Describes how, as an online instructor, the participant plans to incorporate news items and announcements into the online classroom.
  • I use announcements for items that affect all my students in that subject area. Things like, how to sign up for the AP tests, lists of videos I'v made for a unit, example problem when there is a section or content that need scaffolding. 
  • Example: 

    Hello, class!
    Can't believe it, we are now into Week 3! A lot happened in week 2 which we will build on as the course progresses.

    What happened last week?

    You spent the week choosing your job and started to think about what makes a good job for you personally. There
    were many factors to think about. Salary is always on top of the list but it may not be the most important thing about
    the job.  Look at Section 12.5 “Normal Distribution.”

    This week's work will be used twice! It's a two-fer!!
    Milestone #1 is the first part of your Final Project. You will write it this week and then
    all you have to do for the final is do the suggested edits and insert into Final Project!
    These are due on  Sunday 1/27/19 to be considered for full credit.
    1. Finish any work not done in week 2 first! You can still get 90% on those assignments and you need them to move onto
      week 3!
    2. The Milestone One project is due this week:  3-4-1 Final Project Milestone One: Job Offer Comparison.
    3. Students must select a “track” in this theme (NOT a job!) for the sake of comparing three job offers.
      The three tracks are Humanities, Communications, and Design.
      Wait a minute! Didn't we already do this.. well, in week 2 you did pick a track and some of you picked a job,
      but you just needed to pick a track. Now we are going to look at more details of the jobs. 
    4. This milestone scaffolds directly to the final project, as you will base your job selection on the comparisons made
      at this point.
    5. You will need to use the statistics found on the Bureau of Labor website ( to complete this milestone,
      specifically on the following page: Occupational Employment Statistics
    Other helpful links at this site: 

  • Criteria F - Communicate Reflection: Reflects on teaching, and shares which lessons from Communicate will be most beneficial to you as an instructor in the online teaching environment.
  • Which lessons were most beneficial for you?
    Rubrics - allow me to be consistent when grading free response or programs.
  • 02.04 Primitive Data Types: doubles Grading Rubric
    ComponentsPoints PossiblePoints Earned
    Comments include student's name, the date, and a description of the program.22
    Program compiles with no errors.11
    Program runs with no errors.11
    Output is correct and user-friendly.22
    Integer variables are correctly declared using meaningful names.22
    Double variables are correctly declared using meaningful names.22
    Integer variables are correctly initialized.22
    Double variables are correctly initialized.22
    print() or println() methods correctly used.22
    String literals and variables are correctly concatenated22
    Thoughtful PMR included.20

Communicate 3 - Evaluation Methods

Communicate 3 - Evaluation Methods

Answer in your blog:
How do communication practices in the online environment correlate to effective feedback? 
By breaking down the problem into parts and grading each part the student can see exactly where he/she needs to work on .

Why is authentic feedback important for online learners? By giving students arthentic feedback they can go over that area of content again, ask specific questions or know when a classroom practice is not being done correctly.

In what ways might an instructor enrich a student’s online experience through feedback?
Authentic  feedback is key to learning content and moving forward. Beacause a student cannot read your facial expressions or see how you gesture, it is important to understand what they did incorrectly.

Communicate 3 - Rubrics

Communicate 3 - Rubrics

Create: Utilizing one of the resources discussed in this lesson, create a rubric that integrates specific criteria for an assignment and also affords the instructor ample commentary on the student’s product. Make the rubric available in a post in your blog.

Comments include name, date, and purpose of program.

Data read in from file.

Arrays used for all file data.

Enhanced/Traditional loops correctly used.

Decision statement(s) correctly used.

Integer constants used correctly 2
Arithmetic statements correctly written.

Output precisely formatted horizontally and vertically.

No compiler or runtime errors.

Output is correct and user-friendly.

Summary statistics written to a file.

Thoughtful PMR submitted.


Communications 3 - Digital Feedback

Communications 3 - Digital Feedback

Answer in your blog: How do the resources you created would enhance the level of specific feedback offered to students?

A graphic would be more noticeable.
Students would work to achieve the  result of a graphic much as a star sticker on top of a HW Page
The graphics could become a well known much as a stop sign, stop light or any of many social icons we have.
Post in your blog: Place the three digital resources that were created in your blog.

Communicate 3 - Feedback

Communicate 3 - Feedback

Create: Choose a standards-based area of study and create an assignment.

  • Take the previous lesson's program. Modify it in the following ways:
  • Create a class out of the car desription
  • Create a second file defining that class
  • Create instances in the main method and print out the information from the instance variables of that class.

Then create a method for assessing student work utilizing one of the mediums discussed in this lesson. Ensure the tool demonstrates an instructor’s employment of effective feedback.

Comments include name, date, and purpose of program.

Constructor correctly written.

Private instance variables declared.

Private instance variables initialized.

Statement to invoke constructor included.

Method headers correctly written including documentation.

Individual methods invoked on an object from main() method.

All calculations correct.

Output formatted with printf().

No compiler or runtime errors.

Thoughtful PMR included.


xxx, You did a great job. All required components were present in your program! Mrs Noss

xxx, You did a good job. You were missing some parts to your constructor in your car class. Mrs Noss

xxx, Invoking a Constuctor takes place in the main method of your tester program . Please review my video at XXX and then resubmit your project. Mrs. Noss

XXX, This program would not compile and/or run. Please resubmit after correcting error. If you have questions please email me.  - Mrs. Noss

Communicate 2 - Synchronous Sessions

Communicate 2 - Synchronous Sessions

Answer in your blog: How does integrating synchronous learning sessions within the online environment assist in developing a learning community for students? Discuss this question at length in your blog.

Create and post in your blog:
An outline or lesson plan of a 30 minute synchronous session which you would facilitate.
Welcome message
Topic of the day on a pod - for loops
Uses of a loop
Mechanics of using a for loop
Screen share examples of different types of for loops
Return to iClass to answer any questions using Q & A pod
Do a Poll that asks some questions and asks about comfort level. Make the poll anonymous.

What activities would you include?
Showing the student how to do a for loop and then the students create their own.
Have student try one
Q & A session

What transitions are needed?
From Notes pod to Screen Share
to Q & A pod
to Poll Pod

How might you use the session as a formative assessment?
Poll the students

How would your session build a learning community among your students?
The Q & A

Communicate 2 - Discussions

Communicate 2 - Discussions

Answer in your blog:

1) What role or purpose do discussion forums serve in the online classroom and are they effective? 

They can be an assignment.
They are a way to get to know the students espiecally at the beginning of the course.
They are a way for student to get to know each other.
They can include topics that need to be cited thus have student practice their citation and copyright ethics.

2) How do discussion forums function as a teaching tool?

The teacher can start a discussion on a topic in which everyone has to answer. Students then see others response and have the AHA moments.
The teacher can then require a number of responses to other students.
Students can piggyback off each other
Teacher can then interject

3) How could they be used effectively and ineffectively?

The could be ineffective if the students go off in a tangent that is not productive to the discussion.
Flaming could happen which would be ineffective.

4) What are some best practices for facilitating forums online?
Go over rules before posting the first Discussion.
Be specific about what you want.
Be specific about the topic.
Watch the Discussion and remove any insulting posts - contact user.
Do not allow attachments unless it is specific to the topic.